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       IsoVac Engineering, Inc. was founded in 1969 with the purchase of

the Radiflo® Leak Detection Process and worldwide Patents, from

Bell & Howell. IsoVac was founded for dual purposes; that of manufacturing Krypton-85 radioisotope leak detection equipment, as well as to offer 

testing services for an industry where the hermeticity of high reliability components is essential. IsoVac personnel have been involved in the Radiflo® process since its invention in 1955.


      A generation of equipment has been created since that time, incorporating major breakthroughs in the simplification of handling radioisotopes used in the leak detection process. These advances have been the result of the application of radioisotopes in many phases of research, development, and the technological principles that IsoVac was founded on and has maintained since 1969. 


  • IsoVac has been called out as Sole Source in numerous NASA, NAVY, ARMY, MISSILE Specifications for the implementation of leak detection programs. 


  • IsoVac has been involved in the performance of testing and engineering contracts for the Space and Aerospace industries since its inception.


  • IsoVac manufactures, installs, calibrates and maintains the Radiflo Leak Detection equipment in manufacturing facilities throughout the world.


  • IsoVac materials technology is well-known throughout the world, and has contributed to innovative and original equipment designs for the application of Radiflo® and Isometric high speed centrifuge systems.


  • IsoVac has maintained a test lab for fast turnaround leak detection of all types of hermetic devices for over 40 years. Individual or lot testing in quantities of one to one million, have been processed through the IsoVac test lab.


Radiflo® Mark VI 2008 and Beyond

Radioisotope Leak Testing

Radiflo® in the Early 60's

Radioisotope Leak Testing
Radioisotope Leak Testing
Radioisotope Leak Testing

Radiflo® Mark V 1978-2008

Radioisotope Leak Testing
Contact Us

Contact us for more information on products and test services offered by IsoVac Engineering, Inc.

Telephone- (818) 552-6200


Email- Fill out the form below-

From our office in Glendale CA, we have serviced companies all across the globe.

Industries Served








Commerical & 
Industrial Markets

Copyright © 2010 RadifloTM is a registered trademark owned by IsoVac Engineering, Inc.

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